Effective date: April 23, 2018

The purpose of this notice is to explain how Coastal Community Builders and its related companies (collectively referred to as “CCB”) collect and use any data collected from this website.

Personally Identifiable Information

We collect and store your name, email address, and phone number if you choose to submit this information through the “Interest List” page of this website.We use this personally identifiable information to communicate with you.We may, for example, use this information to update you about our ongoing planning and entitlement efforts, or to invite you to relevant community gatherings.

If you submit your personally identifiable information but later decide that you do not want further communications from us, you may use the “unsubscribe” link to remove yourself from our contact list.Once unsubscribed, we will delete and no longer store your personally identifiable information

We may also use your personally identifiable information to request additional information from you.We may, for example, send you a survey to assess local interest in our ongoing projects.Any additional information collected from such a follow-up request is anonymous and is not linked to your personally identifiable information in any way.

We do not collect, store, or use any personally identifiable information from any children we know are under the age of 13.

Anonymous Information

We collect anonymous information about users of this website in order to assess general web site traffic information.

Data Sharing

We do not share your personally identifiable information with third parties. Your information may, however, be shared within the CCB family of entities in order to provide you the best and most relevant communications.


This website uses “session cookies.” A session cookie exists only temporarily while you use this website; web browsers typically delete session cookies when the users closes the browser.

Notification of Changes

We want you to know about any material changes in our Privacy Policy. The hyperlink to this notice on our home page will change to say “Updated on [Month] [Day], [Year]” on the date any changes are made.

How to Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about CCB’s Privacy Policy, please contact CCB via email at sales@ccb1.net.
